Breeders’ Cup Reports & Analysis

The Breeders’ Cup reports and analysis package includes my Pace Profile Report, Race Regression Report, and Class & Pace Report — along with statistics and analysis of all the Breeders’ Cup races.

For example, since 1997, the horse with the top Class & Pace Report rating (running back within seven weeks) has won 20.1% of the time and returned an average of $2.85 for every $2 bet, for an ROI of 42.46%.

Single-day reports (Friday and Saturday) are available for $15 each, OR you can get both days for just $25.

Breeders’ Cup (Day 1) – $15

Breeders’ Cup (Day 2) – $15

Breeders’ Cup (Both Days) – $25

PLEASE remember to include the e-mail address you want the reports sent to, and allow 1-2 hours for delivery during normal business hours!

E-mail with any questions or concerns.

Author: DDS